Giving birth in Mexico

This post is not an hour-by-hour birth story with all the gory details (I figure most of you just breathed a sigh of relief). If you ask my mom what it was like to birth two kids sans drugs she’ll say, “Oh I don’t remember it being so bad.” Hmm. Apparently there is some really healthy forgetting that happens afterwards, because as Leela was entering the world I remember thinking, “Women have done THIS for all of human history??!”  If she’s ever to have a sibling it’s probably best I not immortalize all the memories in writing. I’ll leave those out while still reviewing what it was like to do this in another country.

In summary, we did not regret choosing to do this in Mexico. It was an overall positive experience and we felt comfortable, listened to, and well taken care of. However it did require some flexibility on our part, particularly with regard to delivery and post-delivery protocols.

Birth Plan
My good friend is an anesthesiologist in San Francisco and has been present at a lot of births, so I asked for her thoughts about prepping for this one. She said ridiculous birth plans are becoming commonplace at her hospital…like 15-page novellas complete with long lists of words no one within earshot of the mother is allowed to utter. “And in the end, hardly any birth follows such a rigid play-by-play, nor can people predict how they’ll feel during labor. My advice? Know what’s important to you, but stay flexible.”

I’m not too keen on making detailed plans ahead of time anyway. For anything. So talking through what was important to us felt like a much worthier use of time, and out of that conversation came this very simple plan:
– pick a hospital where they’d let me move around during labor
– try labor without an epidural
– avoid an unnecessary c-section (more on that in an earlier post)

Due Date
At just over 30 weeks pregnant I flew home to see Samson and family. I was uninsured in the states, so if the baby came early it was going to bankrupt us, and every day I’d repeat don’tgointolabordon’tgointolabor. Fast forward two months and it had changed to pleasegointolaborpleasegointolabor.  My doctor told me he would induce at 41 weeks (one week earlier than most U.S. doctors) and I’d read that induction more often leads to c-sections.

P1130633At 39 weeks I tried hiking to the top of this butte in Atlixco in hopes it would spur labor…it did not. It did, however, yield some beautiful shots of Mt. Popo at sunset.
Atlixco, MexicoAt 41 weeks my doctor refused to wait longer on the induction, but I did some self-advocating around starting the induction as slowly as possible, and at home. By the time we met him at the hospital some mild contractions had started, so we didn’t end up using petocin. We just checked into the labor room and waited.

We had an entire room to ourselves, including my own bathroom and shower. We checked in at 11am, and throughout the afternoon and evening it was pretty much just the two of us with occasional check-ins from the doctor and nurses. My doctor stayed in the hospital the entire time, which we really appreciated.

I tried negotiating my way out of the IV since walking around with the stand was awkward, but it was pretty much mandatory. Oh well. Stay flexible Katie.

P1130724At some point in the afternoon my water broke which started the clock ticking. If more than 12ish hours passed without delivering, my doctor was moving to a c-section. From what friends have told me this is similar to policies in the U.S., the exception being some midwifery practices.

I turned down the epidural because I heard it typically slows labor. But then my labor turned to back labor, and it was….rough. I endured the worst of it for 6 hours with hardly any progression. “At this rate, you only have 18 more hours of labor left,” R. cheerfully joked. I think my response was something like, “Come here. I want to punch you in the face.”

If it was all heading to a midnight c-section anyway I figured the pain was pointless, so we called for the epidural. The ironic thing was that after the epidural, everything sped way up. Maybe because my muscles weren’t so clenched? Regardless, I’m so glad we stayed open to different ideas. Just after midnight my doctor said we were getting close to delivery.

There was hardly anyone in our labor room all day, but for some reason there were something like 11 people in the delivery room. To this day I have no idea who half of them were or why they were there. That might be more about our hospital – it’s affiliated with a university and I think there were a lot of doctors-in-training around.

Probably the saddest I got during this whole process was when I saw that they were going to make me go all old-school for the delivery. Like flat on my back, legs restrained. Ugh. But getting worked up over it wouldn’t have changed anything, so I just rolled with it. My sense is that this kind of set-up is more common in Mexico, even in the modern private hospitals.
They let us hold Leela for a few minutes. After that she was taken to the nursery, where she was put in an incubator (even though her Apgar score was a 9…I think it’s just more about the Mexicans’ obsession with warmth) and given a bottle. None of this was our preference but it was already 3am and they promised to bring her into our room in the morning.

I was put in a “recovery room” for an hour, which was really just a dark corner of the hospital where I was hooked to an annoying beeping machine. It seemed weird but eh…it was only an hour. R. was not allowed to sit with me, but he was allowed to go with Leela to the nursery while they measured and weighed her.

If I remember correctly, the only vaccination that was non-negotiable at birth was Hepatitis B. For the others we just went with the CDC’s recommendations.

The next morning they wheeled Leela in and we had some nice family time. Around noon our doctor called and said he felt I was ready to go home if I wanted, so that’s what we prepared to do.
P1130737Claiming they needed to do a couple more measurements, the nurses took Leela back to the nursery. We found out that this is more about putting the baby in lockdown until you pay your bill. Verrrry clever! R traipsed all over the hospital paying portions of the bill and gathering receipts and approval stamps (they love multi-step payment processes in Mexico). Only after presenting it all at the nursery door were we handed our baby.

Here we are leaving the hospital less than 12 hours after her birth. I don’t think they would’ve made us leave that soon if we didn’t want to – recovering at home just seemed more appealing to me.
Before leaving the hospital we provided information for the Acta de Nacimiento (record of birth). Rebel Heart’s blog contains a detailed post on this process, which turned out to be very helpful, particularly the note about how the mother needs to write her MAIDEN name on the form…not her married name. Even after reading this we messed up the form and had to ask for our doctor’s help in officially amending it.

The Acta de Nacimiento is then taken to Civil Registry, where you apply for a Mexican birth certificate. After going through the process of obtaining visas we were well-versed in the nightmare that is Mexican bureaucracy, so when our doctor suggested we hire a lawyer to handle the process for us, I think our exact response was, “You can DO that?! YES PLEASE.” We gave her our records and then met her at the hospital a week later to receive Leela’s birth certificates (we paid to get extra copies, thinking that would be much easier than trying to request some years later). It cost approximately $50, and honestly, we probably would’ve paid three times that for all the trouble it saved us.

After you have the birth certificate, you set up an appointment with the U.S. Consulate at the nearest embassy to apply for the Consular’s Report of Birth Abroad (essentially the equivalent of a U.S. birth certificate). Their website contains detailed instructions on all of the paperwork that needs to be assembled. Our appointment there was very straightforward and now we’re just waiting for her CRBA and U.S. Passport to arrive in the mail.

Ear-piercingP1150620Last week Leela made an appearance at the English class where I volunteered before she was born (the teenage students wanted to throw her a “baby shower”, which was super adorable and sweet). They were varying degrees of shocked and horrified to learn that we didn’t pierce Leela’s ears. All little girls here get it done, which I suppose explains why the public assumes our baby is a boy. “It’s less painful if you do it when they’re a baby,” is everyone’s reason. Call me crazy, but after seeing the cutest little gold hoops on a baby last week I’m half-tempted. In the meantime we just get to hear a lot of “hermoso” and “precioso”.


Other posts in the “Moving to Mexico” series:
At home in Cholula
Transporting a pet to another country
What to pack for a year abroad
Animals in the murals and on the sidewalks
Preparing to have a baby abroad


  1. Fabiola Rodriguez · May 10, 2017

    Happy to know you had a positive birthing experience here in Mexico 🙂
    I’m a mom of three, and my kids have all been born in public hospitals (IMSS and ISSSTE) here in Mexico, and maternal care was pretty good. One of them even required a stay in the NICU, and I had two C-sections (one baby was breech and the other was because I had placenta previa, so at least that one was necessary). Most importantly, there was no bill to pay at the end. 😉
    Overall, I don’t think the care I received would’ve better in the US.
    Belated congrats on your baby!

  2. CarMar · June 3, 2015

    This was so interesting – I loved reading about your experience! What an adventure! I have been a long time reader, but never commented but wanted to say congratulations! We just had a little boy last year.

    • foxflat · June 4, 2015

      I am glad you popped in to say hello 🙂 Congratulations on your little boy!

  3. Alyssa · April 30, 2015

    I live in Mexico and I am having a hard time to find a good hospital to give birth. I am currently 14 weeks pregnant. I have a doctor I am seeing who is taking care of my pregnancy but do not plan on going to him for the birth. I am curious about the process you went through to find the hospital you gave birth in. Also if you dont mind me asking how much it cost and if it was private or public hospital? By the way your little girl is precious!

  4. Molly · March 11, 2015

    Your delivery plan sounds a lot like mine…and yes, I think the teaching hospital is a huge factor. So many people. I personally am not sure I would make that particular choice again. Leaving after 12 hours though – you are a serious trooper.

    • foxflat · March 12, 2015

      Yeah, I think the teaching hospital part is also why the IV turned my forearm black and blue for a week. The nurse who put it in must not have done too many…

  5. raanve · March 11, 2015

    My mom had my ears pierced when I was 11 months old — mainly, I think, because I had so little hair & everyone assumed I was a boy (even when she put me in frilly dresses). I don’t remember it happening at all, and I’ve pretty much always worn earrings, but it does seem odd to me that she had it done so young because it’s not the norm here. (When I had second piercings put in both ears at 17, I passed out in Claire’s!)

    • foxflat · March 11, 2015

      Yeah it’s funny that we’re neighboring countries, but the norms are very opposite! I think a good portion of my family would be just as shocked as the English-class-teens if I DID pierce her ears.

  6. Denise Spiess · March 11, 2015

    She is precious! Sounds like an interesting labor and delivery!

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